Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Criminology journal article critical evaluation Essay

Criminology journal article critical evaluation - Essay Example Therefore, qualitative analysis will allow any researcher to document and bring out relationships between the research question and data sources , develop patterns and trends, themes and categories, which best helps a researcher to understand the data and make meanings from the trends established. This makes qualitative analysis through surveys the best research approach to employ in any social phenomena. Yang & Wayckoff (2010) in their research Perceptions of safety and victimization: does survey construction affect perceptions? Clearly indicate the appropriateness of a survey in establishing trends, themes, and relationships between collected data sets and the subjects to better understand a social issue. The research seeks to establish whether question order in surveys involving victimization have any effect on the answers provided by respondents, in establishing the respondent’s characteristics, and question order effects in understanding the best way to arrange questions in a survey involving victims of criminology. This study aims at establishing social relationships between crime victims and survey questions to measure how such victims would respond to questions related to victimization; this implies the research question just like any other social research questions aims at establishing patterns and trends to make a hypothesis regarding the behavior of such victims in answering survey questions. As Livesey (2006) explains, such a study would apply a positivists approach in methodology which makes it possible to establish social behavioral patterns. Therefore, the survey methodology as used in this research is appropriate and ideal in bringing out behaviors of such crime victims in a survey. The main motivation in justifying the use of surveys in qualitative research in the study above is that such an approach will enable the researchers to develop various explanations of both social and cultural phenomena as would be observed from the data set co llected (Zakaria, 2004). Such a survey would lead to a naturalistic way of exploring the data in a qualitative –descriptive approach, an approach which is ideal in understanding and interpreting data collected and observed in the best objective way possible (DeLyser, 2008). Through such research methodology, the aims of the research which are investigating the effects of question ordering in surveys for crime victims will be effectively realized. Wilmot (2009) explains that in qualitative research, the use of non-probability approach is critical and a researcher has to have a complete sample with no statistical representative. Therefore, the best approach in such a survey would be to use purposive sampling. The characteristic of individuals have to be reflected in the selection process to reflect both diversity and breadth of any sample population. Consequently, the researchers settled on carrying out the research in a university due to the high prevalence of victimization in universities, high rates of campus crimes, and growing concerns as a result of the high crime rates among parents (Jenning et al, 2007). Though such a sample could be considered to limit the generalization of such findings, the researchers explained that the university in which the research was carried out comprises of diverse student population with a random sample of student populatio

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Comparative Corporate Governance Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Comparative Corporate Governance - Coursework Example deal with mergers and acquisitions and will further strengthen the differences that exist between US and UK takeover activities. The directors of target corporations in U.S. can make use of the available takeover defences to shift the hostile offers within the procedures of a conciliated acquisition that creates greater power for negotiation allowing the board to optimize the value of shareholders within M&A transactions. While the process of conciliation is on, the directors have the power to consolidate provisions within the M&A agreement under the deal protection measure, that goes on to elevate the prices and premium rates for the shareholders. Therefore, we find that in case of US target corporation as per the extensive rules established under the Delaware General Corporation Law and the Delaware common law the ultimate authority and power is wielded by the board of directors in case of selling the company. However, the board of directors in U.K. target corporations do not have similar powers to transfer the offers into the process of conciliation. Instead, in this case the takeover defences are face strict prohibition order in UK and the recent amendments made to the takeover code by the Panel impedes the use of any kind of deal protection measures. Therefore, by removing the deal protection measures and the takeover defences, the takeover code largely curbs the board’s power of negotiation. This article will examine the various differences that exist in the regulation of takeover defences in the UK and the US and how they reflect the different approaches taken in the UK and the US to the balance of  power between the board of directors and the shareholder body. Discussion Antitakeover disposition... From the research it can be comprehended that antitakeover disposition used by target firms are defence measures adopted to avoid unwarranted hostile tenders presented by any future bidders. Some of the defence measures are used as pre-emptive strategies (in anticipation of future negotiation), while there are also a wide spectrum of complaisant defences available to organisations that find themselves as potential targets after the negotiations. Besides these, the defence strategies and the manner by which they can be employed differ widely between US (especially under Delaware law), and UK. As per the Delaware law while defending against a hostile takeover the directors of the target company may apply their ‘business judgment rule’ where they are allowed to show that after showing â€Å"good faith and reasonable investigation,† they felt a threat to the present policies of the corporation. Furthermore as per the awarded sentence in the case Unocal Corp v Mesa Pet roleum Co, a judiciary review of any defensive takeover strategies looks towards whether the threat mentioned by the directors were viewed reasonably, and if the defensive strategies applied were feasible to the posed threat. In UK however, in direct contrast, the use of takeover defences to ward off hostile takeovers is restricted largely by the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers and make sit necessary that there is shareholder approval before the defensive strategies are exercised.